Monday, June 29, 2009

"Jordy" Chandler confesses "Michael Never touched me"

Now this is some bullshit…damn..drama drama, drama

After the sudden death of Michael Jackson ….Evan Chandler tells the truth.

In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted.

Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”
People are so greedy now a days. I hope this kid & his father pay up big time for being such assholes.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Are we (am i) becoming desensitized to PORN? Is PORN a good thing for us (for me)?

as i sit here and contemplate what my 1st moves of the day should be, i was sent a link to a porn website that i have not been on before. i started to go there but i changed my mind. i thought to myself, “ i have hundreds of hours of porn on my external hard drive that i do not look at, as it is.” is there anything on this site that i have not seen that will keep my interest. i have become so bored with porn (MOST PORN whether gay, straight, bi, black, white, interracial, etc.[still have a small spot in my heart for Asian]) that i am starting to critique the settings of porn. i made note on a multiply family member’s site about how most of the “thug” porn has that same black headboard with the bottles of cologne on top of it. i made note on another’s site that if it is “thug” porn, why is it no one has a problem when another brother walks into the room while 2 “thugs” are already getting down? hmmmm! around my way, that will get your ass beat down and talked about in the streets. i am getting to the point where i am looking at Hentei porn. that is the animated stuff. you would think with my love of anime that i would eventually get there also.  thank goodness for having a high speed broadband connection! now that i think of it, there is a need for something new. i am bored with the same ole, same ole. society is also. this is the reason there is so much depravity going on right now. people are tired of the “usual” and are starting to act out in new and different sexual ways. this is what leads to my second question. is porn a good thing for us?

for some people, including myself, porn is a good thing. my reasoning for this is, porn satisfies a lot of the carnal urges that people tend to have and it stops them from acting upon them. before porn became as readily accessible as it is, people would go out in the streets and try to find that excitement that was missing in their lives. they would go out and try to experience those things that they had only heard about. now with people being able to input a web address, they are able to see ANYTHING their hearts’ desire without leaving their homes. i think i would be in a world of hurt health wise if it was not for porn. i have a very high sex drive and looking at porn stops my drive to go out and look for the real thing. it is almost 3 years since i have become abstinent and i do not think this would have been possible without the internet and porn. i am sure there are others out there who have been “helped” by the availability of porn.

these are just my thoughts on the subject. this is not a public service announcement for porn. i am not a member of the porn Ad Council. these are only thoughts that ran through my head while getting ready for the day. if you comment, please keep it light, none of the militant angry porn is bad stuff. thanks!


(This picture is just a joke. Don’t start sending outraged messages about this not being arousing. It is just a joke at Hentei expense.)



Taking My Clothes Off

So many sexy pictures on the internet of delicious crossdressers doing nasty things or even just posing in the altogether. Got me wondering whether I should consider doing some nudes.

‘course, there are a hundred (thousand?) revolting photos of nudity and sex for every nice one…

I will never again be as young as I was yesterday. With each passing day, the appeal of seeing me nude diminishes. So, if I’m gonna do it, there’s no time like the present.

Got me thinking about why people post naked pics of themselves online. Sure it’s entertaining for me to look at them. Educational too, both positively and negatively (what works, what doesn’t work). But, they have sent something out into the universe that they can never pull back and put away. What’s the payoff for them?

Sure, I get that it’s a turn-on for some to take the photos, and to expose themselves, virtually, to the world. If you have an exhibitionist streak, this is very appealing. But, does the photo give you a thrill every time you see it or think of it? Or do you only get it the one time?

Perhaps these photos are advertisements for sexual partners?

I will confess that the thought of some dreamy guy, or a hot couple seeing my photo and being driven to distraction steams my windows.

Sadly, it’d probably be some 350 lb. hairy, bald, smelly guy with a drooling problem, breathing on my image.

But I prefer not to think about that, so let’s bring back the more appealing image of that yummy hunk who looks like, say, Smith on Sex in the City…

That he should become aroused as he looks into my eyes and imagines touching my body, that he wishes I were there to get on my knees in front of him just as I am posed in one picture, or that he is using me and I’m leaning back and arching my back, exposing my “secret” like I am in another photo… why not?

Or, that the couple I imagined is kissing, and each partner is imagining kissing me, or maybe that my photo triggers a discussion of “Well, maybe if we met someone like her, I’d be willing to do a threesome…”


Thursday, June 25, 2009

"When a girl goes bad, men go right after her."

I follow Wired Magazine on Twitter, and they always bring me the latest and greatest techie news. This just in: “Porn Comes to the iTunes App Store.” The “Hottest Girls” app provides 2200+ images of topless girls that users can view and rate. Pictures are sorted into 5 whoregories : Popular, Asian, Blonde, Brunette and Swimsuit. It’s strictly softcore and I’m sure harmless, but it will be interesting to see how this part of the App store develops. With over 1 million iPhone 3GS sold since it’s release a week ago, Apple’s App Store is only going to expand. “Hottest Girls” retails for $2.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Fathers Day all.

For those of you who know me, you know that I have a particular affinity for the band Rush.  I first heard about Rush when I was a sophmore in high school.  I was dating a flute player at the time, so I started hanging out in the band room.  All of the drummers listened to this band called Rush.  I started listen to the group and I really liked them.  I got to know one of the drummer pertty well, Jim, and he lent me a video of a Rush concert called A Show Of Hands.

I took the video out to my car and started reading the back of the VCR box.  That was when I read that Rush was comprised of just three guys.  I was really impressed that three guys could make such complex music.  The more I listened to them, the more I liked them.  Their first album, self-title Rush was relased when I was four months old.  They relased their 19th original album, Snakes and Arrows last year.  The style of music has changed through the years, but it all carries the same spirit that makes it fun to listen to.

Of all the people I know who have heard Rush, I can put them all into one of two camps: I Love Rush or I Hate Rush.  (I am sure that I have met some people who are luke warm, that doesn’t make for a good blog post.  So I’ll follow the general example set by the government (all of them, not just the current) and pretend that they don’t exist so I can make my point much, much more dramatic that it really is.) There is also a nearly perfect correlation bewteen love and hate and musician, not musican.  I think you have to be a musician to really appreciate what they do.  Just like being a writer enhances your ablity to discern great writing.

This year marks the 20th year that I have been a Rush fan.  I hope to teach my kids how neat Rush is.  I don’t care if they don’t like Rush, but I will teach them to appreciate Rush.

And so it goes.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Flight attendants ask American to filter porn sites

American Airlines flight attendants are worried about something special in the air: passengers surfing porn Web sites.

As the airline adds on-board Internet service, some travelers might be tempted to visit seedy alleyways off the information superhighway. So the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which represents 19,000 American Airlines flight attendants, has talked with management about installing filtering software to keep inappropriate Web content grounded, union spokesman David Roscow said Wednesday.

“Some passengers and some of the flight attendants have had some concerns about them going to inappropriate sites like porn sites,” he said, although he was unaware of any actual incidents.

American is one of several airlines experimenting with Internet service. While some, such as JetBlue, are using filtering software, others, including American, are leaving it up to flight attendants to monitor. American spokesman Tim Smith explained the company’s decision this way in an e-mail:

“Our policy is to provide Wi-Fi capabilities the way customers are most familiar using (them) at home, office, coffee shops and on the road — with unfiltered connections that allow customers to get what they need, when they need it. While it does provide a new access point for information and content, customers viewing inappropriate material on board a flight is not a new scenario for our crews who have always managed this issue with great success.”

Smith noted that American’s service, which began Aug. 20, is in a trial period of up to six months. So just like items in the overhead bins, details of the program may shift after takeoff.

At the end of the period, American plans to evaluate feedback, including the number of incidents.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Um brinde gratis para você,você vai adorar, vai te encher de prazer

Entre aqui está na hora da sua punheta

Venha acariciar meus seios durinhos

Você quer transar hoje? Entre aqui

Você quer namoro ou fazer amizade entre aqui

Conheça pessoas na sua cidade que quer fazer sexo

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

te strig tu

tu bărbat din lut și spermă cu luminile nordului pe chipul tău
te strig tu
tu cealaltă parte a mea cu un altfel de sex decât al meu scos în afară de zei orgolioși
tu cealaltă parte din mine de dincolo de ușa în care oasele morților trosnesc a pământ și a nemurire
te strig tu simplu curat cum își cheamă orice femeie cealaltă bucată din ea în ea
tu și cu mine suntem două nume două sexe alungate pe aceeași ușă din paradis în văzul tuturor
o lume plină de sexele noastre frumoase ca o lumină de dimineață goală și tăcută

Actress stripped off Nude in front of men?

Then and there the news about nudity is unavoidable especially in cine related aspect, and in it almost the actress names who are of course doing good with films contemporarily.
And in this line up one more actress name strikes in nudity, when she was talking part in a photo shoot, even after the leisure time given for the break she didn’t return and so the team send the boys to know the status when she will return for the shoot, but it where the place where the boys electrified by the shocking show of the actress, who was chatting for a long time in mobile.
And as soon as they told her, team is waiting for the shoot, all on a sudden the actress stripped of her clothes and changed her dresses got ready for the shoot within the moment not letting any time for the boys to come back from the shock of the nude show.

Hope the boys need leisure time, then to come back to the normal condition.  more>>>

Monday, June 15, 2009

te văd

te văd
oriunde teai ascunde.
te văd,
căci am un ochi albastru
în loc de inimă ….
cele 3 sau 7 ursitoare
miau ursit
să te văd
să te tac
să te văd
să te tac….
și mă voi pierde în lume și te vei pierde în ochiul meu albastru, gigant, lichid pentru o ultimă dată
dansând durerea lumii intro dimineață, orice dimineață…

HIV outbreak in Porn!!! - Condoms or No Condoms?

16 new HIV cases popped up in the adult film industry. I went to the Erotica Convention and talked to my boy “Ace” about what’s going on.

Find me on Facebook:

AIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES ——} Click here for more about Aim


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We support ALL sites/blogs. No hate here. We are a UNION – Roll with us or get Rolled the F*ck Over -TheBlogUnion

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Til alle iranere i Norge, Sverige, Danmark, New Zealand, Belgia, Tyrkia, USA, Canada, Los Angeles, Follo – alle, overalt:

Ikke reis hjem det neste året.

To all Irani people in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Belgium, Turkey, Canada – everywhere:

Do not travel home the coming year.

Ikke kjøp tepper, agil (nøtter), peste (pistasj), tochme (matfrø), lavash (tørket og flatpakket frukt) eller noen andre matvarer.

Do not buy/import carpets, peste, tochme, lavash or any other goods and foods.

Ikke send melkepulver, kjøkkeninnredninger, firkløver, penger, brunost – eller noe, til deres familie i hjemlandet.

Do not send milk-powder, kitchen-furniture, chockolate from Belgium, money, cheese – or anything, back home to Iran.

Glem Iran i ett år. Minst! Glem Iran til de slutter å senke farten på internett, til de slutter å arrestere journalister, til de slutter å henge folk i gatene, til de slutter å opptre som kuperte snerrende vaktbikkjer for den eneste rette tro.

Forget Iran for at least one year. Forget Iran until they stop decreasing the speed on the internet, until they stop arresting journalists, until they stop hanging people in the streets, until they stop behaving like snappy guarddogs for the one and only valid faith.

Alkoholforbud er greit for iranere, glem at øl ikke er lov. Hijab er greit akkurat nå. Det er større ting på gang, sånn som valgfusk (jeg tror oppriktig at iranere ikke er så gærne at de velger idioten en gang til).

Hejab is peanuts, that ab-e-jor in Iran (mixed with vodka) is illegal, doesn’t matter. Bigger things are at stake (I really believe that the Irani people didn’t vote for that clown once again. Clowns are dangerous people)

Det er eksil-iranerne, dobbeltpassholderne, som nå har anledning til å si fra. Det vil sikkert koste litt for de der hjemme på kort sikt, men alternativet er mange-mange-mange nye år med klaging, syting – og handel.

Excile-iranians, you double passport-holders, have a golden oppurtunity to make a statement. Stop trade, stop business. It will make your family suffer for a while, but the alternative is years of nagging and whining – and trade…

You are a bunch double moralists, crying out for international help with the regime, but you keep on trading, making money – supporting the regime with your money and double citizenships.

Nå er ikke Arthur spesielt overrasket over at en iraner jukser. Prøv backgammon med en iraner, for eksempel. De kan plutselig “ikke telle”.  Eller hva med å slutte å drive handel? Jeg mener, iranere og penger – de kan rettferdiggjøre enhver handling, hvis det er en krone i andre enden av handlingen. Da kan de telle.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Top Ten Signs Your Relationship is OVER.

10. You get home and find your apartment lined with boxes of your stuff.

9. She calls to say she’s spending some time at her mother’s house… even though she once said she’d rather drink battery acid than spend another night under that woman’s tyrannical rule.

8. You call him while he’s on a trip to Amsterdam, and the naive man at the front desk says: “he just stepped out.  Would you like to speak to Mrs. Smith instead?”

7. She starts wearing much sexier clothes just to do the groceries down the street.

6. You discover a pregnancy test in the garbage… but you haven’t had sex with her since the Presidential elections.

5. You drop by his office unannounced for a surprise quickie and find his personal assistant kneeling on the floor– and she’s not picking up fallen papers.

4. You get back from work early, only to find him in your bedroom, clad in your lacy lingerie… and he confesses he’s been considering a sex-change operation these past few years.

3. During a dreaded family get-together, your man’s mother reproaches you about taking an exercise class that involves a stripper pole because it’s demeaning to women… as is dressing like one.

2. Out of the blue, he suddenly decides it’s time for him to “discover” himself, quits his fantastic job to go backpacking around the world, and relays the information via text message.

1. At 3 o’clock in the morning, you wake up to the sound of moaning.  Upon discovering she’s not beside you in bed, you find her in the office in front of your webcam, trading naked correspondences with Sven from Germany, whose monstrous frankfurter is enlarged on the glowing screen.

How great are pictures like these?

I love these pictures that just have 5 or 6 (or more) naked women standing in a line or doing sychronized posing.  Synchronized nude posing should be an Olympic event.  Screw synchronized swimming.  I want to see which country of girls can best put their tits in a straight line while lounging in deck chairs.  Line up according to ass size – biggest to smallest.  That deserves a gold medal.

One thing I love about these shots is that there are lots of tits and lots of asses.  That means there is variety and there is something for everybody in variety.  If you like big fake tits, you got ‘em.  Small, natural tits?  Take your pick.  Big asses?  Small asses?  Hairy vaginas?  Shaved clean?  It’s all there.

I especially like the voyeuristic shots where the girls look like they are just bathing or washing their hair.  I feel like the Emperor of Rome after having wandered into the bath house while the women enjoy the cool waters.  All the girls bow in my presence.  Please ladies, I beg of you, proceed…

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tits du Jour

For the next Tits du Jour, I’ll continue with the international flair.

Today we’ll take a look at a German beauty by the name of Daniela Wolf.

As you might be able to tell, there appears to be a slight difference between the first few pictures and the last couple pictures.  I’m no plastic surgeon, but I’d guess there was a slight augmentation involved.  Personally, I thought she looked good with the smaller breasts.  I’m not sure she necessarily needed to go bigger, but, at the same time, I don’t think she ruined anything.

Really, though, why mess with a good thing?  Some models need to go bigger.  Occasionally, you’ll see a girl and think to yourself, “Gosh, if she had a bigger rack, she’d be a real knock out.”  I do not think that is the case here.  Daniella looked absolutely gorgeous with her God given assets.

By the way, how amazing does she look in that fishnet bodysuit?  If there is one thing that gets my engine running, it is a fish net body suit on a beautiful, naked woman.

Ass from the Past: Update - Margaret Scarborough

Just now I had an awesome idea – why not Google the girl who’s ass has been on my mind for 15 years?  What an excellent idea.

So, I googled Margaret Scarborough.

It seems she has parlayed her Playboy appearance into a little acting career.  I guess she didn’t care too much for the business world or maybe her job with that chemical plant didn’t work out.  Either way, she is out there in LaLa Land and even had a role on an episode of Will & Grace a few years back.

More importantly, I was able to find a couple of new pictures of her.  One of them appears to be from the same Playboy photoshoot that captivated my attention as a youth and others are recent head shots and a couple nudie scenes from her recent work.  She flashed her boobies in a film called Wrestlemaniac.  I’ve never heard of it until now.

If she was in college in 1994, that would probably put here somewhere in the range of 33-37 at the moment.  Not only does she still look like a hot number, but I feel as though I was at the mall and just ran into an old friend I haven’t seen in years, but still occasionally think about.

“Oh, hey, girl with nice ass.  What have you been up to?”

“I’m an actress now.”

“I still remember your ass!  You still look great!”

“haha *sexy smile*”

“See you later!  Take care!”

Monday, June 8, 2009

Britney O'Neil - Fuckin Mother Fucker

Keiran is upset that his girlfriend dumped him so he is drinking at his friend Lee’s house. Lee’s mom comes home and asks why they are drinking so early in the day. When she founds out that Keiran’s girlfriend dumped him because his cock was too big she assures him that she aint no little teenie boppin princess and shows him how a real woman can take his cock.

Download Here!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Boys taking porn to school - in handphones?

Boys taking porn to school – in handphones? School-leavers say they watch porn between classes or during recess June 06, 2009

WATCH porn in school? Who? Us? No way. CAUGHT IN A WEB: Recent survey shows one in five teens has illegal online materials, including porn. ST FILE PICTURE

That was the reaction from a number of secondary school students when The New Paper asked.

Only one of the 10 students we spoke to admitted to watching pornographic materials on handphones or media players in school.

But it was different when we put the same question to those who have finished secondary school.

We spoke to 10 of them and all said they had watched porn when they were in school.

They would huddle together in groups of five or six in between lessons or during lunch breaks. And it seems their teachers had no clue what they were up to.

Interestingly, the only secondary student who admitted to watching porn also said that it was in his former school that he had done it.

Said the 13-year-old Secondary 1 student, who declined to be named: ‘We did it five or six times when I was in Primary 6.’ He had been in a boys’ school then and is now in a mixed school.

Undergraduate Nick Lie, 22, who was from a co-ed secondary school, said three-quarters of the 20 boys in his class watched porn.

Mr Lie told The New Paper: ‘I guess there would be a herd mentality when there’s a large group of boys, and they would tend to follow each other.’

Full-time national serviceman Wee Hui Neng, 18, who was from a boys’ school, said: ‘Sex is glamorised, so it’s not surprising that pornography is making its way into the schools.’

A recent survey of 397 adults above the age of 20 and 35 children aged 15 to 19 conducted by software giant Symantec revealed that Singapore teenagers are spending an average of 18 hours a week online. The results were released yesterday.

This is about two times more than the time parents think their children are spending on the Internet.

The survey showed that one in five teens accesses illegal or unlicensed materials, including pornography.

But these boys do not just download the pornographic material for their own viewing.

One of them, Tim (not his real name), 19, a polytechnic student, said the boys would connect the media player with the videos to the school computer during free periods or lunch breaks, and watch on the bigger screen.

He said they had never been caught by teachers.

Growing trend

Mr Daniel Koh, 37, a psychologist in private practice, said it is an increasing trend that children now are more aware of their sexuality and sexual relationships.

‘With modern technology, it is easier for (teens) to seek out and take such information around with them,’ he noted. ‘Therefore, wherever there is interest for such information or visual gratification, such things would surface.’

Parents are concerned.

Housewife Koh Huang Yee, 47, said : ‘It’s important that there is adult supervision to stop them from indulging further.’

Some students do get caught.

Bobby, 19, who from a co-ed school, recalled that he and a classmate were caned for drawing pornographic pictures in class. He said his teacher had caught him drawing on his worksheets, but he claimed his classmate was the culprit.

Both ended up getting two strokes of the cane each.

Bobby said with a laugh: ‘Actually I was supposed to be given three strokes, but the cane broke.’

Mr Sim Joo Jin, spokesman of StAndrew’s Secondary School said the student might be caned in public or in the classroom, depending on the severity of the case.

He added that if a student is deemed to be hooked on pornography, the school would suggest to his parents to get help from a Family Service Centre.

‘This is because we recognise that the family offers the most important support structure to youths in need of guidance,’ he said.

A secondary school vice-principal, who declined to be named, said that though he has yet to come across such cases, there are measures in place to lessen the chances of them occurring.

He said : ‘Our teachers are punctual for their lessons, so with the packed schedule of the students, there would be less time for them to ‘explore’.’

Mr Effendy Ibrahim, 36, the consumer business lead (Asia South Region) for Symantec and a father of four boys, said relying on technology to control porn is not enough.

‘The best thing would be for parents to get involved – to impart the right values so children would carry on with them no matter where they are,’ he said.

Audrey Tan Ruiping and Han Su-ying, newsroom interns

Friday, June 5, 2009

naughty bits

after a rest, a reprieve and a some much needed rejuvenation: the new deference is back- summer two thousand and nine! i had too much work to do. i had other creative projects that don’t involve the internet. i didn’t have the internet (and boy did i like it)! and all that aside, what a better way of reminding you what this here illustrated amateur-outsider weblog is all about then an obscene gender bending self-portrait drawing:::
i never disappoint…
look for more comix, more games, more art, more posters and events and more zines! this summer at the new deference
keep emailing, you encourage me to keep posting::

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pr0n webmasters zijn heel aardig

Je hebt vast dittes wel gelezen op die ene nederlandse blog.Bla bla etische discussie etc etc.Niet goed etc etc.Nu zou je denken dat onze über 1337 webmasters dit heel erg vinden.Maar gellukig zijn ze blij met ‘een goed stukske free publicitie’.Onderling is de sweer fantastisch op zo kan je naast het naakte wijven gedoe ook gewoon genieten van leuke forum games als ‘wie heeft het langste domein‘.Wat is het toch een gezellige boel daar.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nailing Your Wife

I was watching 1000 Ways To Die on Spike, and stumbled across this “PG Porn: Nailing Your Wife” by James Gunn.

I’ll say no more, just make sure you’re not drinking anything as you watch this video because you’ll probably choke.

Technically speaking, there should be a flash player here.

But WordPress doesn’t allow Embed codes, so you’ll have to visit the site instead:

PG Porn: Nailing Your Wife.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pro-Choice Doctor Murdered in Church

Last Sunday morning, Dr. George Tiller was shot in the foyer of the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas. For many years, Dr. Tiller had been the subject of controversy for performing late-term abortions at his clinic, Women’s Health Care Services. In 1986, the clinic was bombed by pro-life protesters, and in 1993, Dr. Tiller was shot in both arms.

President Obama stated that he was “shocked and outraged” by the shooting, and added, “However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.”

I agree. No matter what religious or political views you have, bombings and killings are not solutions. They are sins, plain and simple. My prayers will be with the Tiller family and his church family.