Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blanket Statements Offer Little in the Way of Cover

Recently I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Marty Klein, a published author and therapist. From his blog:

Dr. Marty Klein is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist, and sociologist with a special interest in public policy and sexuality. He has written 6 books and over 100 articles about sexuality. Each year he trains thousands of professionals in North America and abroad in clinical skills, human sexuality, and policy issues.

You can read more from Dr. Klein at Sexual Intelligence, where he discusses America’s actions and attitudes toward sex.

Dr. Klein has spent thirty years helping men and women with relationships. He’s a proponent of adult entertainment, and an even greater proponent of good sex. His insight into the minds of those seeking help adds a dimension of practicality to his views which a theorist or lab-researcher might lack.

As we spoke, I gradually became aware of a trend in his opinions: that the more people focus on pornography, the more they fail to recognize their inter-personal problems. I began to wonder, Can we go so far to say that porn is a replacement issue for our sexual insecurities? Dr. Klein (wisely) refused to make such a claim. However, we did manage to address some of the myths behind porn, the various problems that drive it’s controversy, and the definite danger of painting blanket opinions as empirical fact.

The Grand Experiment: the Porn/Rape Myth

Let’s start with the big issue: does pornography lead to an increased likelihood of rape? Hard to say. Understanding motivation in human behaviour is complicated, at best. When examining the effects of pornography, we can’t isolate from pre-existing conditions, such as a predilection toward violence or a history of emotional trauma. It’s the classic causality/correlation dilemma: how far does suggestion actually equate to action?

One of the most common methodologies is to place college students in a room, profile them, show them pornography, and then reprofile them. Dr. Klein remarked on the artificial nature of the experiment, and I am inclined to agree: any extreme imagery is likely to produce extreme attitudes. Yes, a college-kid is going to express more sexually aggression after exposure to porn. That’s just called being horny. The greater question, which requires far deeper analysis, is whether extreme imagery produces shifts in psychology. Does repeated exposure to pornography lead to sexual violence? How can we know without a long-term study?

Actually, we have just that. A decade ago, the doors to pornography were unhinged by the web, making it free, accessible, and multifarious. If we want evidence of the effects of porn, to where else should we turn but to ourselves? And it turns out, Dr. Klein informed me, that rates of suicide, divorce, and rape have declined since Internet porn became available. My personal research confirmed his assertion: suicide has steadily decreased, divorce has declined (per capita) by 21% from 1994 to 2004, and rape has dropped (per capita) by more than 85% since the 1970s.

What does this tell us? That porn is the reason for these trends? Not necessarily. But if the concern is that porn leads to rape, then it would appear that the data doesn’t match.

Healthy Sexuality: the “Good” Porn Myth

There’s two ways we can look at this: either rape is decreasing, or it’s report is. It is possible that women have accepted force as a natural part of sex because of a wide-spread “rape-myth.” Depictions of sexual violence as commonplace, or even enjoyable for the victims, may have turned force into an accepted practice. In this case, we have to condemn certain sexual practices as psychologically debilitating to society, lest women are trained into submission.

But the question then becomes whether women are actually being abused? How are we able to condemn one act as debasing, and then point to another act as uplifting? Dr. Klein wonders, what exactly is a healthy depiction of a woman enjoying sex? Or, for that matter, when exactly doesn’t sex involve sexual objectification? Should we be making that distinction for other people? What happens when we start labeling certain sex-acts as ‘too extreme’?

Dr. Klein breaks down a healthy sexual relationship to three factors: honesty, consent, and responsibility. Notice that these values address the relationships between people, not the actions they participate in. More importantly, note that these values can never be consistent between one act and another. It’s entirely possible for the same act to mean different things to different people. So when judging pornography, how are we going to judge sex-crime? By the feelings of the pornographers, who have been paid after signing contracts? Or perhaps by the sentiments of the consumers, in case their choice of material isn’t enough of a system of regulation?

For pornography to have reached a consumer’s hands (through legal channels) consent must have occurred at multiple stages. If we consider the pornographers to be economically exploited, then let’s make sure they’re aware of their alternatives, such as working grave-yard shifts at Seven Eleven. If we find them emotionally exploited, then perhaps we should watch-dog everybody’s sexual encounters. And if the consumer is emotionally exploited (as the industry might prey on loneliness) then perhaps we should regulate how often he or she gets out into the dating world. If you remove the capacity for consent from the participants, then you condescend to remove their ability to choose. Pornography is popular, for providers and consumers alike, because it’s what they want. You aren’t going to police that, are you?

But perhaps people aren’t being honest with themselves. Perhaps people are submitting to acts that they dislike because they think it is what they should do, or what they have to do. Frankly, who is to blame here? If sexual participants are dishonest about their desires, then they will be unable to set boundaries for themselves and their partners. People have to assert their will far enough to say ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Even if they are incapable of protecting themselves in the moment, the decision will exist which can then hold repercussions. Honesty won’t fix the problem; it will merely illuminate the fact that there is one. If we can’t be certain of a problem, then how do we go about fixing it?

And therein follows responsibility. When we notice violations of trust, it is our duty to bring justice to the situation. This is not as simple as banning a channel for potential abuse, such as pornography, or certain sex acts, or sex in its entirety. It requires a case-by-case analysis of neglect. We will only foster healthy sex-lives when we stop actual abuse, not what we perceive as potential abuse.

Inherent Errants: the Real Problems of Porn

If we can establish that porn doesn’t lead to rape, or perhaps even leads to healthier attitudes to sex, then might we go so far to say that porn is a good thing? After all, if we enjoy it, what more can we ask?

But Dr. Klein points out that our goal is a healthy sex-life, not a healthy alternative to it. Given the option to play a game of touch-football or to watch a college-game from the comfort of your couch, which do you think is the healthier choice? Porn may not be damaging to us (maybe) but it isn’t doing wonders for us either. If we begin to accept stadium seats, then we risk spending our lives paying other people to have our fun for us. Is that the way we want to live?

Again, we can’t put a broad-tipped brush to the issue. If porn is used as a substitute to relationships, or, furthermore, as a tool of neglect or unkindness toward others, then a deep problem exists — but not with the porn. This is where a great deal of domestic controversy can originate. Porn is not responsible for our actions; we are. An example Dr. Klein gave was particularly illuminative. “If a woman comes to me and says that her husband spends time with porn instead of her, my response is, ‘would it be okay if he spent the time playing golf?’ Her answer is, of course, no. The problem isn’t that her husband is watching porn. The problem is that he’s being a jerk.”

Covers Over the Head

If we lay the responsibility of porn’s misuses on the back of the porn industry, then we take the responsibility of the consumers away from them. Sexual inequality and violence are tangible, persistent problems that we must work to correct. The solution, however, can not be found in policing each others’ sexualities. This is the domain where opinion invades practice. Our desires are far too complex and personal to be treated in absolute definitions. Doing so only results in guilt, and suppression, and other psychological sicknesses that are far more likely to breed abuses we currently fight. Do we really want to risk poisoning our own sex lives out of fear, especially when it does not actually secure our safety?

I’m not suggesting that we throw our hands in the air and accept the damages for what they are. I merely believe that we must hold responsibility to people, not to sex, and certainly not to pornography. If we continue archaic and ill-informed judgements about various sex-acts based on our own presumptions, then we will continue to shame healthy desires, and if people are told that their natural proclivities are wrong, then how can we expect them to know what’s right?

My deepest gratitude to Dr. Klein for spending time out of his busy schedule to discuss the topic with me. I’ve done my best to exemplify his views as I best understood them, but please note that this blog reflects my opinions of his words, and is not direct quotation. You can read more of Dr. Klein’s actual words at Sexual Intelligence.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Pet me!

The last few days have been frustrating.  I want love and affection.  The ginger-haired dog wants love and affection.  And guess who wins the love and affection from my boyfriend…….the dog!

I’ve observed them closely the last few days.  We usually all sit down on the sofa like a family.  Jim, reclined on the sofa with myself at one end and the dog close by.  Even with me physically closer to his actual body, he still strains to reach and pet the dog.  On most occassions he even goes out of his way to avoid touching any part of me. 

He’s always touches her at night since her bed is on the floor below his side of the bed.  He hardly ever touches me.  Not a night passes where he gives her a loving stroke on the belly before he goes to sleep.  At night he never holds me or tries to get close.  He’s always turned away and hugging his pillow. 

What am I supposed to do?  I’m angry, frustrated and in need to some sort of release. 

About a year ago, I got angry and told him, “You touch the dog more than you touch me!”  And he seemed to respond to that remark.  But 1 year later, it’s back to the same routine of me watching the couple cuddle and touch. 

I’m hungry for attention.  Wanting of physical touch, not in the sexual tense but just everyday guestures that would eminate from a man who loves his woman.  I once was tempted to keep a running tally of instances of petting but I deceided against it because already I knew the dog would out number me 4-fold!  I’m already depressed, I don’t need actual data to prove it. 

I’ve tried everything to catch his attention: sleeping nude, sexy underware, semi-nude household chores, even porn…..yet still I’m left untouched.

I’m really unsure what else I can do…..

The dog just sits at his feet, wags her tail, barks longingly and Jim runs to her.  There were several instances when I wait for him, try to make conservation and I get no response. 

The last few days have left me lost, bitter and in need of companionship.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gate keepers of academia

In Canada, the Bachelor of Education degree is one of the easiest to get. In my 4th year, I came into my Language and Culture class (?) a few minutes late and found all my fellow students sitting on the floor while the professor read out of a picture book. Virtually all the projects were group work, or had the option to be group work and in some of my classes, we were asked to submit our desired mark for our final projects.

And then today I read this:

EDMONTON — A Spruce Grove junior high school teacher has admitted having sexual encounters with a 14-year-old student who was smitten with him, including having sex in a classroom.

The disgraced teacher has also confessed to making child pornography by giving the girl his video camera and asking her to make a video of herself naked in the shower. (#)

Probably one has nothing to do with the other…

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday 28th July 2009


I’m away in Ibiza at the moment – which probably comes as no surprise as it’s like my second home in the summer – and my good friend Dale is with me. The shaven-headed lothario grabbed a last minute flight because he couldn’t stand seeing my shameless Facebook status updates talking about the White Isle and we flew out on Sunday night.
As ever, we got right royally stuck into the booze as soon as we arrived and did the usual dash around the bars and clubs to see the familiar faces before ending up at Judgement Sunday at Eden. We managed to get VIP courtesy of my good friend Alex, the resident DJ and such an incredibly awesome person, and we headed for the back room where Telford legend Micky Slim was ripping the place apart.
We were chatting to his brother and his mates and we went into the DJ box for a photo. I’d only met Micky once before (here in Ibiza funnily enough) but he said “Hello Geoff” while I was expecting he wouldn’t know who the fuck I was – why would he know? At best, I might have expected him to shout: Wanker!
Judge Jules then came and followed Micky in the back room and this lady took photos of us with him in between mixing. We had a bit of a drunken random chat, as you do in Ibiza, and fortunately I wasn’t trying to chat her up as she subsequently revealed she was Mrs Judge Jules! I didn’t recognise her because she’s changed a bit from when she was making records with Angelic back a decade or so ago.
I also bumped into the midget from my last trip but didn’t tell him I made a poor taste joke at his expense on the previous blog.
There’ll be more Ibiza-related nonsense in the blog next week I imagine as I haven’t got the time nor the inclination now. Photos from this trip will be in the gallery at at some point – you can also head there to see the latest ones from Pussycats.
My car is being fixed while I’m away so I’ve had to hire a car to get me to and from Telford. The cheap option was a Ford Ka – a motor designed for women or blokes under five foot – not for a guy my shape and size. It was a nightmare journey over with the traffic as it was and being sat in a cramped little vehicle does nothing to keep you calm in mile after mile of slow-moving cars.
I probably look like Mr Bean in that damn motor.
I’ve not been stopped by a police car for a long time – probably due to the fine nature of my driving – but I got pulled over as I was driving home to the crib from Pussycats last Friday. I noticed I was being followed as I headed up from Ketley Brook roundabout and they eventually whacked on the flashing lights.
Being the law-abiding citizen I am, I found a safe place to pull in and got out of the car and the officer and I shared the following dialogue.
Nice copper: “Is this your car, sir?”
Now obviously I wasn’t driving my own car, being sat in this poxy hire car, so I replied: “No, this is a rented car.”
Nice copper: “Have you any idea why we pulled you over?”
All kind of sarcastic answers flashed through my mind. “Was it because you wanted to applaud me on my fine driving and that I was putting the rest of the motoring community in Telford, including your good selves, to utter shame?”
Some people reckon they give it the large one with policemen when they get stopped. I don’t see the point. It’s only likely to antagonise them and politeness gets you much further in life. I know that may sound a bit rich given some of my trademark rude foul-mouthed behaviour but when it comes to the long arm of the law, it’s always best to act dumb. Or if you’re going to say something cheeky, make it amusing. So back to the story…
Nice copper: “Have you any idea why we pulled you over?”
Me: “No I haven’t, sir.”
At this point I took a risk and added: “Is it because you can’t believe a man of my size is driving a car so small?”
Fortunately he smiled at that and continued: “You were driving excessively above the speed limit. You were doing 50 in a 40. Have you been drinking?” I said: “No” which was true as I don’t drink at work and he took me at my word and sent me on my way, reminding me to take it steady.
I could’ve debated the point about doing 50 in a 40 on a single carriageway at 4am with nothing else on the road and said: “It’s hardly excessive” but when you’re trying to avoid getting a ticket, it’s a good idea to agree and look forlorn.
There’s an old joke about a man driving and seeing the blue flashing lights in his rear view mirror. He puts his foot down and a chase ensues. The coppers eventually pull him over and ask him why he didn’t stop.
The driver replies: “Well my wife ran off with a policeman and I was worried you were bringing her back!”
That, my friend, is the size of it for this week – just a short one by my own usual waffling standards – as there is alcohol to drink, sun to worship, Dale’s farts to avoid and parties to attend. It’s Ibiza 2009 part four and we’re having fun. Back in time for the weekend, of course.
Cheers for now,
Geoff / DJ Wanker

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Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Patrick Swayze Week!'re welcome.

No he didn’t die yet you horrible awful shit sniffing vulture.

This isn’t a deathwatch.

I’m taking a week out of my otherwise busy schedule to honor the man while he’s alive because I’m a saint but hey, if he happens to die during Patrick Swayze week my stats will shoot through the roof.

Just sayin’.

On to Patrick Swayze!

Patrick Swayze got his big screen start in 1979’s Skatetown USA.

The Rock and Roller Disco Movie of the Year!  

Check out this killer cast:

Swayze, Scot Baio, Flip Wilson, Maureen McCormick, Ron Palillo, Ruth Buzzi, Murray Langston!, Mellissa Sue Anderson (full pint/blindy), Judy Landers, the doomed Dorothy Stratten, and last and best of all…Billy Barty!

Why would anyone ever do a movie without a midget in it?

A Swayze demand?  Bet on it!

Ummmm, I gotta be honest.  I’ve never seen this movie and its out of print (OOP).

I imagine that perhaps Scot Baio plays a good guy who roller skates and likes Maureen McCormick and needs to raise money for his sick nana, and maybe Swayze is a bully who also skates and likes Maureen McCormick and in the …..

You know what? FUCK IT!!!

It’s got Patrick Swayze and a midget!   Sign me up.

Not to mention the fucking soundtrack rocks and Marcia Brady wears pink silky shorts! 

Someone find me this DVD.  There will be a reward! *





Sunday, July 26, 2009

Event: Feminism in London Conference, 10/10/09

Date: Saturday 10th October
Time: 9.30am – 5pm
Location: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London
Cost: £4.50 waged, £2.50 unwaged (£1 discount if you register in advance)

Registration has now opened for the 2009 Feminism in London Conference.

Speakers include
Susie Orbach, Beatrix Campbell, Gunilla S. Ekberg, Marai Larasi, Claudia da Silva, Sabrina Qureshi, Denise Marshall, Rebecca Mott, Kate Smurthwaite, Finn Mackay, Southall Black Sisters, and more.

Workshops include
Activism training,
What’s wrong with prostitution?,
It’s easy out here for a pimp: How the mainstreaming of pornography is harming our children, Raising children in the age of porn,
What are the issues for pro-feminist men?,
Racism and sexism,
Poverty and motherhood: How society undervalues women’s work,
Feminist self defence,
Media training with camera, and more.

This is a child-friendly event, with a creche organised by the London Pro-Feminist Men’s Group.

“Feminism in London 08 was a huge success – so many people came which was great. Fantastic selection of workshops and speakers. Excellently organised. A day to be proud of.“

Find out more and register at:
Email: .uk

Saturday, July 25, 2009

IGP now wants to "suspend licenses" of porn websites in Sri Lanka

An order by the Inspector General of Police in Sri Lanka, the same chowderhead who once said women could record themselves getting raped through mobile phones, now wants to the Director General of Telecommunication Regulatory Commission to suspend the licenses of 12 websites which were exhibiting nude photographs.

Firstly, none of the websites the IGP has got all hot and bothered about are registered in Sri Lanka, but a simple whois search would be as alien to the Police in Sri Lanka as peacebuilding is to the incumbent government.

Secondly, why this sudden love for the rule of law? Websites in Sri Lanka are arbitrarily banned and blocked without warning or any due process, despite flat denials by government when asked about their censorship regime in place for web media. Tamilnet remains blocked on all ISPs in Sri Lanka. Recently, another website was blocked in Sri Lanka for showing images of the President’s son, which was very conveniently on the same day the site reported the egregious public statement of a highly placed goon in government and close friend of the President. Subsequent reports circulated over email that these photos were doctored and the report on the President’s son was false is reason to hold the journalists accountable for libel or conduct investigations into their false reporting, not shutdown an entire site.

The Island notes the CID started the investigation into the pornographic sites following a written complaint lodged by the IGP Jayantha Wickramaratne. While it’s heartening the IGP is concerned about our morals, I would much rather judge for myself the content I view on the web. There’s a real danger here of setting a precedent of blocking and banning website for website defined and seen as unsuitable by the incumbent regime’s set of puritan values, as noted by Foreign Policy with examples from China and Bahrain. In August 2008, there were news reports of an even wider, more intrusive net filtering regime proposed by the President. A the time, it was reported that the TRC had gone to the extent of demanding ISPs to ”filter the websites featuring Obscene/phonographic (sic) /sexually explicit materials”.

As Lirneasia notes tongue in the cheek,

Criminal Investigation Department, working on a complaint by the IGP revealed these sites contain pornographic images and video clips of men and women, possibly Sri Lankan. They also suspected an international conspiracy to tarnish the image of the country, reported, Divaina. One may term the act anti-protectionist, because while the local production is blocked the vast majority of international porn sites still remain open.

Post-war Sri Lanka needs to worry more, at the very least, about the abysmal freedom of expression in the country than strengthening, widening and worsening existing informal and formal censorship of media. Honestly, shouldn’t the Police be far more concerned about the dozens of dormant investigations into acts of murderous violence against journalists since this President took office?

But if the IGP really is serious about eradicating pornography on the web like dengue, he should ban Google too. A simple search brings up over 800,000 pages and a couple of hundred sites in addition to those above that if the Divaina is to be believed, is are all part of an international conspiracy to tarnish the image of the country.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

12. rész (+18) Egy pikáns történet részlete

…és akkor feleségem hanyatt feküdt elém, és nyalatta velem csiklóját, miközben ex férje, az előtte ajkaimmal akcióképessé tett férfiasságát, igyekezett belém tolni.

Aztán egyszercsak sikerült, és ahogy tolta, engem is előre tolt, alig bírtam tartani magam, de számat így is belenyomta ezáltal feleségem puncijába, aki mindeközben élvezve nyögdécselt.

Az ex férj eleinte csak óvatosan járatta bennem férfiasságát, miközben én feleségem csiklóját puszilgattam és nyaldostam.

Majd egyre forróbb lett a hangulat, és az ex férj is egyre jobban belejött élete első, férfival folytatott popó szexbe, és már kissé felgyorsulva dugta a popóm.

Én ezáltal egyre többször, erősebben nyaltam oda a feleségemnek aki már annyira felvolt villanyozva, hogy elkapta fejem, és csak azt mondogatta:

Igen! Igen! Nyaljál, nyaljál, ez az, ahh ahh…

Az ex férj látva volt, zihálón élvező feleségét egyre jobban belémtolta büszkeségét, ami istenien jó érzés volt.

Végül úgy megdugott mint ha csak fizetett volna érte egy útszéli kurva esetén.

Amikor eljutott az erekcióig, hirtelen kivette, lehúzta a gumit, odalépett hozzám, és marokra fogva heves mozdulatokkal igyekezett a csúcsra jutni. Amikor felnyögött, én felemeltem a fejem, és bekaptam a férfiasságát, Ő pedig hosszan élvezett.

Ezek után a feleségem szopogatta tovább, én pedig hátulról elkaptam a feleségem, és úgy megba…tam, ahogy addig sosem.

Azt mondta a feleségem a történtek után, hogy ha ez ennyire feljavítja a szeretkezésünk színvonalát, akkor máskor is szólni fog exférjének, aki mellesleg hétköznapi jóbarátom.


Tettszett? Akkor kommentáld!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The First Coming of Antichrist

This is it. The eye of the media shit storm; after the cultural digestion from the liberal arts programmes and columns but still before the reviews start raining in the ‘official’ verdict. Lars von Triers‘ Antichrist has been a fair while coming, but the great Dane has got the media machine humming to his tune, a maestro of stoking controversy, a grand master of publicity. To borrow the sacrosanct yet divine language befitting of the film I can say I’ve been blessed to see the film, and there is a lot to digest.

Firstly we need to establish some parameters to von Trier’s game, for those are the rules we have to play by.

Don’t ever take anything he says at face value. The hook he has given himself in the promotion of Antichrist is that he is ‘The Best Film Director in the World’ and countless hacks have taken the bait. Even if they all contextualise the statement and the humour in which it was said, the headline remains the same. Bryan Appleyard in the Sunday Times tries to put down von Trier by inventing his own word and denigrating that it as ‘pure undergraduatese.’ The fact that Appleyard continues to play this game on von Triers terms is proof if any that Trier’s declarations are anything but naïve.

A few critics have done a good job at calling von Trier out on this sport, and hats go off to the Guardian’s in-house film-hater-extraordinaire Peter Bradshaw for presciently speculating on the publicity value of von Trier announcing his depression over two years ago. That was the first word I heard of Antichrist, and it is wholly unquestionable that this is a film defined by a nigh chronic depression. It is bleak, unrelenting, and it spirals towards a hysterical ending. It remains firmly in the subjective of the female lead, struggling and failing to break out of a cycle of grief. As she is locked in depression so too is the viewer rooted, shackled to their seats throughout.

In its’ premise Antichrist is easily summarised, and its critics are quick to quip about its blunt symbolism. A husband and wife fall into deep mourning after the tragic death of their child. The ‘She’ is briefly hospitalised, physically debilitated by her loss, while the psychoanalyst ‘He’ carries his loss in a ‘typical’ manner. To tackle her ‘atypical’ mourning, the couple retreat to their isolated cabin, Eden, set deep in an overbearing almost monstrous forest. The husband is blindly convinced that he alone can give active and adequate therapeutic guidance to break his wife out of her depression. Despite promising signs early on, it all goes terribly wrong.

In its weakest guise this is a film about psychotherapy, and films shot from the therapists couch rarely grasp you by the eyeballs. Onscreen discussions on the value of medicated ignorance or the importance of exposure therapy clunk about in a heavy handed way, railroaded through the film by an increasingly insistent husband/therapist. Yet these doubts fade as the folly of this dominant approach slowly unravels, turning instead to a confrontation of cold rationalism against emotional hysteria. Put bluntly it turns into a straight up clash of the sexes.

This is hardly new territory to von Trier and his critics are all too quick to cite his major post-dogme films and the trail of ‘destroyed’ women he has left in his path. Dragging Nicole Kidman through misery on Dogville, driving Björk to eating her own jumper on Dancer in the Dark. While this rather glib trope of ‘dragging women through hell’ might be obvious in these later films, Antichrist draws its conflict from further back in von Trier’s past, harking back to his widely overlooked TV film adaptation of Euripides’ Medea.

A true archetype for the conflict and contrast of the hysterical wife against the coldly rational and distant husband, Medea casts the imbalance of the sexes at the heart of its conflict, and the tensions between the responsibilities of the mother (Medea) against the liberties of the father (Jason). It ends with Medea rejecting the shackles of her maternal role, killing her sons by Jason, and fantastically disappearing on a golden chariot driven by dragons. While von Trier’s Medea doesn’t end quite so fantastically, it keeps the bloody ending and the inner conflict of a woman uncomfortably vulnerable to a cheating husband she still loves remains as the films definitive dynamic.

This very anxiety carries over into Antichrist, driving a personal tragedy deeper into the realms of metaphysical and symbolic horror. Before the film has even been released across Europe discussions are already raging on the pages of the respectable press whether this film is misogynist or not. To boil it down as such is about as complex as speculating if the coin has landed heads or tails. Is the switch on, or off? Does von Trier hate women, or not? Such headbangingly simplistic debate is about the greatest injustice you can do the film, as it does away with the nuance of the personal and the broader issues that von Trier targets in Antichrist.

Equally the excessive violence at the end of the film does not definitively flick this switch on or off. For the media to be endlessly scratching their heads over it is surely to miss the forest for all the trees? In terms of British exhibition this film is unequivocally a milestone in what can be shown on legitimate screens, and some media debate over the role of the BBFC, and what they think about Antichrist, is natural. Yet when it boils down to the usual claptrap of ‘but is it Art?’ and ‘What DOES it take for a film to get banned these days?’ you can’t but worry for the state of educated discussion of such matters. Yes it is shocking, wince worthy, enough to make any human genuinely uncomfortable. But this is just about underlining the horrors that the characters go through. When Oedipus claws his eyes out it isn’t to anti-titillate the audience, it is (arguably) to drum home the horrors he has just realised, to make physical the dramatic revelation of irony that has been building up throughout. This is the school of tragedy von Trier is dealing with. Physical mutilation: par for the course. Deal with it.

Or is it?

The devilish imp von Trier really cannot be trusted, and for all the interviews with director and cast consistently pointing to the sincerity of this production you can’t but wonder what ire he was hoping to stoke up with all of this. He has widely discussed the two edits he had made, the uncut Protestant version and the cut Catholic version, and with his canny producers’ hat on von Trier must have seen this coming. Undoubtedly, but for all of its most extreme moments Antichrist is none the less a tremendously challenging watch, and all the better for it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My Little Brother Draws Hentai Porn on His Etch A Sketch 

He masturbates to homemade Etch A Sketch porn everyday. He also writes fan fiction about the girl with pink hair from the Esurance cartoon, Erin Esurance, and the girl from the Progressive commercials, Flo. He has a secret blog about them. It’s disgusting. I discovered it and sabotaged it. Unfortunately he had all the filthy material backed up on a secret external drive that he keeps hidden.

Monday, July 20, 2009

my first blog

i have been a fan of about a hand full of blog’s for some time. i have also been bullied by a crazy ex girlfriend in her blog, so this is my 1st attempt at “blogging”. i will post whatever, when ever. it will more then likely be music, sneaker, art, vandalism, porn, general. “stuffs”. random shit. i am fluent in bad grammar, sarcasm and hating on people. i am sometimes funny. enjoy…

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Don't take things on here so personally dude."

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Gaya Bercinta 'Nakal' Ala Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria secara blak-blakan membicarakan aktivitas seksnya bersama sang suami, Tony Parker. Tanpa ragu artis cantik ini mengatakan dia sangat suka bila dirinya diikat saat bercinta. Bagi Eva itu adalah hal yang sangat seksi.

Eva mengaku dia adalah orang yang sangat dominan pada saat berada di ranjang. Namun, dia ingin menciptakan suasana baru agar tidak merasa bosan dan jenuh dengan gaya bercintanya. Dia pun tanpa segan mencari tantangan baru agar kehidupan cintanya dengan suaminya itu makin mesra. Sahabat Victoria Beckham ini pun rela bila sang suami mengikatnya saat bercinta.

“Saya tidak akan menolak bila saya diikat dengan scarf atau selendang sutra. Saya suka pria yang mengambil inisiatif lebih dulu. Akan lebih seksi bila kita harus tunduk dengan pria saat bercinta,” kata Eva seperti dikutip dari Now Magazine, Kamis 16 Juli 2009.

Eva mengutarakan hal tersebut pada saat dirinya menghadiri acara talkshow di Amerika Serikat. Acara itu bernama ‘Best Ever Sex Survey of A-list celebs’. Acara itu membahas seputar sensasi kisah kehidupan bercinta para pesohor dunia.

Bintang serial ‘Desperate Housewives’ ini menikah dengan pebasket Tony Parker pada Juli 2007 silam. Sampai saat ini rumah tangga mereka jauh dari gosip miring. Keduanya selalu tampil mesra dan membuat iri pasangan yang lain.

Taleon Goffney, Marc and the Twins Porn Star, Gets 3 Yrs In Prison for Burglary

Taleon Goffney, a porn star known for starring with his twin brother in Marc and the Twins, was sentenced to at least 3 years in prison on Wednesday for using a handsaw and ax to break into stores through their rooftops.

Goffney pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary and two counts of criminal conspiracy. Charges of criminal trespass, receiving stolen property and possession of an instrument of crime were dropped in exchange for his guilty plea. He could have faced up to 40 years in prison if convicted in a trial. “Thank you for your lenience in accepting my plea. These crimes won’t be happening again,” the 27-year-old told the judge.

Goffney was arrested last year after police caught him breaking into a hair salon while his brother Keyontyli Goffney stood as lookout. Keyontyli is also charged but it is unclear if he will accept a plea deal. He is due back in court on August 6.

The Goffney twins have appeared in many online gay porn videos under the names Teyon and Keyon. They appeared together in the Marc and the Twins with porn star Marc Williams.


Click here for more People News

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What does Free Mean to you?

There are many ongoing debates on whether or not the nature of free information on the web can continue to last.  As free content continues to put at risk the traditional media sources that charge their customers to get the information, it also has proven tourblesome for many of the companies that offer the free content.

For example, this story from the New York Times discusses the many issues with Youtube.  As Google continues to try to find big money in advertising dollars for the most popular video sharing site on the web, the cost of storing the infinite amount of videos uploaded to the site everyday is out of control.  It appears that no amount of advertising can possibly make up for the money lost just on server space each year.  Therefore, at this point, Youtube looks like a failing business for Google, and one they will need to evaluate over time.

In addition to Google, there are entire industries that are caught in between free models and paid models.  For example, CNBC recently aired a special on the porn industry, and how they are caught trying to embrace the internet and trying to protect their profits at the same time.  For porn, free videos online have taken a big swipe at profits from paid sites as well as dvd sales, which some say are down close to 30% this year.

Once something is available for free, it decreases the likelihood that anyone would want to pay for it.  Whereas in the past you could say, “you get what you pay for”, nowadays the quality of content and information you can get for free is many times just as good as the stuff that you pay for.  We are approaching a time and a place where Free is costing businesses a fortune.  And eventually, Free may hit a brick wall.

How much is Google willing to lose on Youtube before they charge you to upload videos?  How much is Facebook willing to lose before they charge you to share photos, or to write on someone’s wall?  How much are we all willing to pay to use the sites we love so dearly?

Right now there is no balance between free and pay. The time is coming when we need to find that balance or internet users and businesses alike are in for a major shock.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shruthi Haasan Bikini show in Luck releasing soon

Shruthi Haasan debut film Luck is all set to release 24 but before that due with promos it headed wel already into focus added to it the latest hype to the film and the overall attention files on new appeared actress for her daring stunt performance and again noted for her two piece bikini in the film Luck.

While any other actress hesitate or lengthen the time – whether get it to it or not, Shruthi Haasan had entered boldly into bikini with out any hesitation or second thought that too in her first film.

No actress get the chance to show the talent in their first film but she gets an opportunity to show her talents, says the actress. She also has a fight sequence in the film who showed daring stunts for it, and now a sequence was short with two piece bikini over this actress, she says she did it as it is needed for the film, for a question.

However the actress is Lucky to show her talents altogether in a single film that too being a debut, LUCK.  more>>>

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Waxman Markey Climate Change Bill: Christmas in July

Apparently it’s Christmas in July. Not convinced? Just look at the gift giving zeitgeist which has taken hold of Congress.

Not only has Congress passed this bill, but, they didn’t even read it (I talked about this earlier), in fact, the administration rushed it through the House of Representatives as fast as it could. Even though the kind folks at the National Review have pointed out fifty problems in this bill, I’m confident that in the one thousand plus pages of this bill there is even more waste of taxpayer money and graft.Although I’m not going to point out each and every flaw (the bill is about as long as an unabridged copy of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexendre Dumas), I will say that the fifty flaws already pointed out by the National Review are glaring enough to win this bill my hatred; this bill also further supports my hypothesis on this Congress: they are clueless on how to really help the people of this nation. I know what your thinking: “during his campaign Barack Obama said his administration’s increased taxes and costs would only affect ‘the rich’ and ‘the polluters’ he couldn’t be lying.” Well, that promise-just like his promise for “fiscal responsibility”- is all vapor.

Clearly,  this bill  sponsors the ineffective and the inefficient “alternatives” like ethanol (it takes 1.2 gallons of gasoline to produce 1 gallon of ethanol); it supports the inconclusive (we have yet to find any benefits to “no till” methods promoted in this bill); they have also found even more ways to increase the size of the bureaucracy, give out even more handouts to large corporations, and increase the cost on the middle class, and, all before the birthday of the country on the fourth of July where they celebrate putting another nail in the coffin of the USA. This bill sends money to groups like ACORN who have only proven to hurt the nation through voter fraud, as opposed to promoting the increasing of environmentally beneficial alternatives through groups like the Nature Lyceum ( whose promotions of environmentally restorative organic growing have potential to really help the environment.

Overall, I find Waxman Markey to be a half assed, euphonic detriment to the United States, the environment and common sense. It is part of this current administration and Congress’ continued assault on all that is American, all that makes sense, and all that is beneficial to the populace at large; they seek only to benefit their supporters and fail to realize the problems of their grandiose plans for “change.” This isn’t the Constitutional Democratic Republic which was created over 200 years ago, our government has devolved into a group seeking the powers of a diety, its supporters in the Democratic party are little more than jacobins, and, the press, has become little more than a propaganda mill hoping to cement itself a position in the line for government handouts.

Thursday, July 2, 2009



Un brindis con usted de forma gratuita, le encantará se llene con placer

Entre aquí a tiempo para su punheta

Vamos acariciar mis pechos durinhos

Quieres follar hoy? Pulse aquí

O el amor o hacer amigos de aquí

Conocer gente en tu ciudad que quieren sexo

Otras sugerencias

Monday, June 29, 2009

"Jordy" Chandler confesses "Michael Never touched me"

Now this is some bullshit…damn..drama drama, drama

After the sudden death of Michael Jackson ….Evan Chandler tells the truth.

In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted.

Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”
People are so greedy now a days. I hope this kid & his father pay up big time for being such assholes.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Are we (am i) becoming desensitized to PORN? Is PORN a good thing for us (for me)?

as i sit here and contemplate what my 1st moves of the day should be, i was sent a link to a porn website that i have not been on before. i started to go there but i changed my mind. i thought to myself, “ i have hundreds of hours of porn on my external hard drive that i do not look at, as it is.” is there anything on this site that i have not seen that will keep my interest. i have become so bored with porn (MOST PORN whether gay, straight, bi, black, white, interracial, etc.[still have a small spot in my heart for Asian]) that i am starting to critique the settings of porn. i made note on a multiply family member’s site about how most of the “thug” porn has that same black headboard with the bottles of cologne on top of it. i made note on another’s site that if it is “thug” porn, why is it no one has a problem when another brother walks into the room while 2 “thugs” are already getting down? hmmmm! around my way, that will get your ass beat down and talked about in the streets. i am getting to the point where i am looking at Hentei porn. that is the animated stuff. you would think with my love of anime that i would eventually get there also.  thank goodness for having a high speed broadband connection! now that i think of it, there is a need for something new. i am bored with the same ole, same ole. society is also. this is the reason there is so much depravity going on right now. people are tired of the “usual” and are starting to act out in new and different sexual ways. this is what leads to my second question. is porn a good thing for us?

for some people, including myself, porn is a good thing. my reasoning for this is, porn satisfies a lot of the carnal urges that people tend to have and it stops them from acting upon them. before porn became as readily accessible as it is, people would go out in the streets and try to find that excitement that was missing in their lives. they would go out and try to experience those things that they had only heard about. now with people being able to input a web address, they are able to see ANYTHING their hearts’ desire without leaving their homes. i think i would be in a world of hurt health wise if it was not for porn. i have a very high sex drive and looking at porn stops my drive to go out and look for the real thing. it is almost 3 years since i have become abstinent and i do not think this would have been possible without the internet and porn. i am sure there are others out there who have been “helped” by the availability of porn.

these are just my thoughts on the subject. this is not a public service announcement for porn. i am not a member of the porn Ad Council. these are only thoughts that ran through my head while getting ready for the day. if you comment, please keep it light, none of the militant angry porn is bad stuff. thanks!


(This picture is just a joke. Don’t start sending outraged messages about this not being arousing. It is just a joke at Hentei expense.)



Taking My Clothes Off

So many sexy pictures on the internet of delicious crossdressers doing nasty things or even just posing in the altogether. Got me wondering whether I should consider doing some nudes.

‘course, there are a hundred (thousand?) revolting photos of nudity and sex for every nice one…

I will never again be as young as I was yesterday. With each passing day, the appeal of seeing me nude diminishes. So, if I’m gonna do it, there’s no time like the present.

Got me thinking about why people post naked pics of themselves online. Sure it’s entertaining for me to look at them. Educational too, both positively and negatively (what works, what doesn’t work). But, they have sent something out into the universe that they can never pull back and put away. What’s the payoff for them?

Sure, I get that it’s a turn-on for some to take the photos, and to expose themselves, virtually, to the world. If you have an exhibitionist streak, this is very appealing. But, does the photo give you a thrill every time you see it or think of it? Or do you only get it the one time?

Perhaps these photos are advertisements for sexual partners?

I will confess that the thought of some dreamy guy, or a hot couple seeing my photo and being driven to distraction steams my windows.

Sadly, it’d probably be some 350 lb. hairy, bald, smelly guy with a drooling problem, breathing on my image.

But I prefer not to think about that, so let’s bring back the more appealing image of that yummy hunk who looks like, say, Smith on Sex in the City…

That he should become aroused as he looks into my eyes and imagines touching my body, that he wishes I were there to get on my knees in front of him just as I am posed in one picture, or that he is using me and I’m leaning back and arching my back, exposing my “secret” like I am in another photo… why not?

Or, that the couple I imagined is kissing, and each partner is imagining kissing me, or maybe that my photo triggers a discussion of “Well, maybe if we met someone like her, I’d be willing to do a threesome…”


Thursday, June 25, 2009

"When a girl goes bad, men go right after her."

I follow Wired Magazine on Twitter, and they always bring me the latest and greatest techie news. This just in: “Porn Comes to the iTunes App Store.” The “Hottest Girls” app provides 2200+ images of topless girls that users can view and rate. Pictures are sorted into 5 whoregories : Popular, Asian, Blonde, Brunette and Swimsuit. It’s strictly softcore and I’m sure harmless, but it will be interesting to see how this part of the App store develops. With over 1 million iPhone 3GS sold since it’s release a week ago, Apple’s App Store is only going to expand. “Hottest Girls” retails for $2.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy Fathers Day all.

For those of you who know me, you know that I have a particular affinity for the band Rush.  I first heard about Rush when I was a sophmore in high school.  I was dating a flute player at the time, so I started hanging out in the band room.  All of the drummers listened to this band called Rush.  I started listen to the group and I really liked them.  I got to know one of the drummer pertty well, Jim, and he lent me a video of a Rush concert called A Show Of Hands.

I took the video out to my car and started reading the back of the VCR box.  That was when I read that Rush was comprised of just three guys.  I was really impressed that three guys could make such complex music.  The more I listened to them, the more I liked them.  Their first album, self-title Rush was relased when I was four months old.  They relased their 19th original album, Snakes and Arrows last year.  The style of music has changed through the years, but it all carries the same spirit that makes it fun to listen to.

Of all the people I know who have heard Rush, I can put them all into one of two camps: I Love Rush or I Hate Rush.  (I am sure that I have met some people who are luke warm, that doesn’t make for a good blog post.  So I’ll follow the general example set by the government (all of them, not just the current) and pretend that they don’t exist so I can make my point much, much more dramatic that it really is.) There is also a nearly perfect correlation bewteen love and hate and musician, not musican.  I think you have to be a musician to really appreciate what they do.  Just like being a writer enhances your ablity to discern great writing.

This year marks the 20th year that I have been a Rush fan.  I hope to teach my kids how neat Rush is.  I don’t care if they don’t like Rush, but I will teach them to appreciate Rush.

And so it goes.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Flight attendants ask American to filter porn sites

American Airlines flight attendants are worried about something special in the air: passengers surfing porn Web sites.

As the airline adds on-board Internet service, some travelers might be tempted to visit seedy alleyways off the information superhighway. So the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which represents 19,000 American Airlines flight attendants, has talked with management about installing filtering software to keep inappropriate Web content grounded, union spokesman David Roscow said Wednesday.

“Some passengers and some of the flight attendants have had some concerns about them going to inappropriate sites like porn sites,” he said, although he was unaware of any actual incidents.

American is one of several airlines experimenting with Internet service. While some, such as JetBlue, are using filtering software, others, including American, are leaving it up to flight attendants to monitor. American spokesman Tim Smith explained the company’s decision this way in an e-mail:

“Our policy is to provide Wi-Fi capabilities the way customers are most familiar using (them) at home, office, coffee shops and on the road — with unfiltered connections that allow customers to get what they need, when they need it. While it does provide a new access point for information and content, customers viewing inappropriate material on board a flight is not a new scenario for our crews who have always managed this issue with great success.”

Smith noted that American’s service, which began Aug. 20, is in a trial period of up to six months. So just like items in the overhead bins, details of the program may shift after takeoff.

At the end of the period, American plans to evaluate feedback, including the number of incidents.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Um brinde gratis para você,você vai adorar, vai te encher de prazer

Entre aqui está na hora da sua punheta

Venha acariciar meus seios durinhos

Você quer transar hoje? Entre aqui

Você quer namoro ou fazer amizade entre aqui

Conheça pessoas na sua cidade que quer fazer sexo

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

te strig tu

tu bărbat din lut și spermă cu luminile nordului pe chipul tău
te strig tu
tu cealaltă parte a mea cu un altfel de sex decât al meu scos în afară de zei orgolioși
tu cealaltă parte din mine de dincolo de ușa în care oasele morților trosnesc a pământ și a nemurire
te strig tu simplu curat cum își cheamă orice femeie cealaltă bucată din ea în ea
tu și cu mine suntem două nume două sexe alungate pe aceeași ușă din paradis în văzul tuturor
o lume plină de sexele noastre frumoase ca o lumină de dimineață goală și tăcută

Actress stripped off Nude in front of men?

Then and there the news about nudity is unavoidable especially in cine related aspect, and in it almost the actress names who are of course doing good with films contemporarily.
And in this line up one more actress name strikes in nudity, when she was talking part in a photo shoot, even after the leisure time given for the break she didn’t return and so the team send the boys to know the status when she will return for the shoot, but it where the place where the boys electrified by the shocking show of the actress, who was chatting for a long time in mobile.
And as soon as they told her, team is waiting for the shoot, all on a sudden the actress stripped of her clothes and changed her dresses got ready for the shoot within the moment not letting any time for the boys to come back from the shock of the nude show.

Hope the boys need leisure time, then to come back to the normal condition.  more>>>

Monday, June 15, 2009

te văd

te văd
oriunde teai ascunde.
te văd,
căci am un ochi albastru
în loc de inimă ….
cele 3 sau 7 ursitoare
miau ursit
să te văd
să te tac
să te văd
să te tac….
și mă voi pierde în lume și te vei pierde în ochiul meu albastru, gigant, lichid pentru o ultimă dată
dansând durerea lumii intro dimineață, orice dimineață…

HIV outbreak in Porn!!! - Condoms or No Condoms?

16 new HIV cases popped up in the adult film industry. I went to the Erotica Convention and talked to my boy “Ace” about what’s going on.

Find me on Facebook:

AIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES ——} Click here for more about Aim


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Sunday, June 14, 2009


Til alle iranere i Norge, Sverige, Danmark, New Zealand, Belgia, Tyrkia, USA, Canada, Los Angeles, Follo – alle, overalt:

Ikke reis hjem det neste året.

To all Irani people in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Belgium, Turkey, Canada – everywhere:

Do not travel home the coming year.

Ikke kjøp tepper, agil (nøtter), peste (pistasj), tochme (matfrø), lavash (tørket og flatpakket frukt) eller noen andre matvarer.

Do not buy/import carpets, peste, tochme, lavash or any other goods and foods.

Ikke send melkepulver, kjøkkeninnredninger, firkløver, penger, brunost – eller noe, til deres familie i hjemlandet.

Do not send milk-powder, kitchen-furniture, chockolate from Belgium, money, cheese – or anything, back home to Iran.

Glem Iran i ett år. Minst! Glem Iran til de slutter å senke farten på internett, til de slutter å arrestere journalister, til de slutter å henge folk i gatene, til de slutter å opptre som kuperte snerrende vaktbikkjer for den eneste rette tro.

Forget Iran for at least one year. Forget Iran until they stop decreasing the speed on the internet, until they stop arresting journalists, until they stop hanging people in the streets, until they stop behaving like snappy guarddogs for the one and only valid faith.

Alkoholforbud er greit for iranere, glem at øl ikke er lov. Hijab er greit akkurat nå. Det er større ting på gang, sånn som valgfusk (jeg tror oppriktig at iranere ikke er så gærne at de velger idioten en gang til).

Hejab is peanuts, that ab-e-jor in Iran (mixed with vodka) is illegal, doesn’t matter. Bigger things are at stake (I really believe that the Irani people didn’t vote for that clown once again. Clowns are dangerous people)

Det er eksil-iranerne, dobbeltpassholderne, som nå har anledning til å si fra. Det vil sikkert koste litt for de der hjemme på kort sikt, men alternativet er mange-mange-mange nye år med klaging, syting – og handel.

Excile-iranians, you double passport-holders, have a golden oppurtunity to make a statement. Stop trade, stop business. It will make your family suffer for a while, but the alternative is years of nagging and whining – and trade…

You are a bunch double moralists, crying out for international help with the regime, but you keep on trading, making money – supporting the regime with your money and double citizenships.

Nå er ikke Arthur spesielt overrasket over at en iraner jukser. Prøv backgammon med en iraner, for eksempel. De kan plutselig “ikke telle”.  Eller hva med å slutte å drive handel? Jeg mener, iranere og penger – de kan rettferdiggjøre enhver handling, hvis det er en krone i andre enden av handlingen. Da kan de telle.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Top Ten Signs Your Relationship is OVER.

10. You get home and find your apartment lined with boxes of your stuff.

9. She calls to say she’s spending some time at her mother’s house… even though she once said she’d rather drink battery acid than spend another night under that woman’s tyrannical rule.

8. You call him while he’s on a trip to Amsterdam, and the naive man at the front desk says: “he just stepped out.  Would you like to speak to Mrs. Smith instead?”

7. She starts wearing much sexier clothes just to do the groceries down the street.

6. You discover a pregnancy test in the garbage… but you haven’t had sex with her since the Presidential elections.

5. You drop by his office unannounced for a surprise quickie and find his personal assistant kneeling on the floor– and she’s not picking up fallen papers.

4. You get back from work early, only to find him in your bedroom, clad in your lacy lingerie… and he confesses he’s been considering a sex-change operation these past few years.

3. During a dreaded family get-together, your man’s mother reproaches you about taking an exercise class that involves a stripper pole because it’s demeaning to women… as is dressing like one.

2. Out of the blue, he suddenly decides it’s time for him to “discover” himself, quits his fantastic job to go backpacking around the world, and relays the information via text message.

1. At 3 o’clock in the morning, you wake up to the sound of moaning.  Upon discovering she’s not beside you in bed, you find her in the office in front of your webcam, trading naked correspondences with Sven from Germany, whose monstrous frankfurter is enlarged on the glowing screen.

How great are pictures like these?

I love these pictures that just have 5 or 6 (or more) naked women standing in a line or doing sychronized posing.  Synchronized nude posing should be an Olympic event.  Screw synchronized swimming.  I want to see which country of girls can best put their tits in a straight line while lounging in deck chairs.  Line up according to ass size – biggest to smallest.  That deserves a gold medal.

One thing I love about these shots is that there are lots of tits and lots of asses.  That means there is variety and there is something for everybody in variety.  If you like big fake tits, you got ‘em.  Small, natural tits?  Take your pick.  Big asses?  Small asses?  Hairy vaginas?  Shaved clean?  It’s all there.

I especially like the voyeuristic shots where the girls look like they are just bathing or washing their hair.  I feel like the Emperor of Rome after having wandered into the bath house while the women enjoy the cool waters.  All the girls bow in my presence.  Please ladies, I beg of you, proceed…

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tits du Jour

For the next Tits du Jour, I’ll continue with the international flair.

Today we’ll take a look at a German beauty by the name of Daniela Wolf.

As you might be able to tell, there appears to be a slight difference between the first few pictures and the last couple pictures.  I’m no plastic surgeon, but I’d guess there was a slight augmentation involved.  Personally, I thought she looked good with the smaller breasts.  I’m not sure she necessarily needed to go bigger, but, at the same time, I don’t think she ruined anything.

Really, though, why mess with a good thing?  Some models need to go bigger.  Occasionally, you’ll see a girl and think to yourself, “Gosh, if she had a bigger rack, she’d be a real knock out.”  I do not think that is the case here.  Daniella looked absolutely gorgeous with her God given assets.

By the way, how amazing does she look in that fishnet bodysuit?  If there is one thing that gets my engine running, it is a fish net body suit on a beautiful, naked woman.

Ass from the Past: Update - Margaret Scarborough

Just now I had an awesome idea – why not Google the girl who’s ass has been on my mind for 15 years?  What an excellent idea.

So, I googled Margaret Scarborough.

It seems she has parlayed her Playboy appearance into a little acting career.  I guess she didn’t care too much for the business world or maybe her job with that chemical plant didn’t work out.  Either way, she is out there in LaLa Land and even had a role on an episode of Will & Grace a few years back.

More importantly, I was able to find a couple of new pictures of her.  One of them appears to be from the same Playboy photoshoot that captivated my attention as a youth and others are recent head shots and a couple nudie scenes from her recent work.  She flashed her boobies in a film called Wrestlemaniac.  I’ve never heard of it until now.

If she was in college in 1994, that would probably put here somewhere in the range of 33-37 at the moment.  Not only does she still look like a hot number, but I feel as though I was at the mall and just ran into an old friend I haven’t seen in years, but still occasionally think about.

“Oh, hey, girl with nice ass.  What have you been up to?”

“I’m an actress now.”

“I still remember your ass!  You still look great!”

“haha *sexy smile*”

“See you later!  Take care!”

Monday, June 8, 2009

Britney O'Neil - Fuckin Mother Fucker

Keiran is upset that his girlfriend dumped him so he is drinking at his friend Lee’s house. Lee’s mom comes home and asks why they are drinking so early in the day. When she founds out that Keiran’s girlfriend dumped him because his cock was too big she assures him that she aint no little teenie boppin princess and shows him how a real woman can take his cock.

Download Here!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Boys taking porn to school - in handphones?

Boys taking porn to school – in handphones? School-leavers say they watch porn between classes or during recess June 06, 2009

WATCH porn in school? Who? Us? No way. CAUGHT IN A WEB: Recent survey shows one in five teens has illegal online materials, including porn. ST FILE PICTURE

That was the reaction from a number of secondary school students when The New Paper asked.

Only one of the 10 students we spoke to admitted to watching pornographic materials on handphones or media players in school.

But it was different when we put the same question to those who have finished secondary school.

We spoke to 10 of them and all said they had watched porn when they were in school.

They would huddle together in groups of five or six in between lessons or during lunch breaks. And it seems their teachers had no clue what they were up to.

Interestingly, the only secondary student who admitted to watching porn also said that it was in his former school that he had done it.

Said the 13-year-old Secondary 1 student, who declined to be named: ‘We did it five or six times when I was in Primary 6.’ He had been in a boys’ school then and is now in a mixed school.

Undergraduate Nick Lie, 22, who was from a co-ed secondary school, said three-quarters of the 20 boys in his class watched porn.

Mr Lie told The New Paper: ‘I guess there would be a herd mentality when there’s a large group of boys, and they would tend to follow each other.’

Full-time national serviceman Wee Hui Neng, 18, who was from a boys’ school, said: ‘Sex is glamorised, so it’s not surprising that pornography is making its way into the schools.’

A recent survey of 397 adults above the age of 20 and 35 children aged 15 to 19 conducted by software giant Symantec revealed that Singapore teenagers are spending an average of 18 hours a week online. The results were released yesterday.

This is about two times more than the time parents think their children are spending on the Internet.

The survey showed that one in five teens accesses illegal or unlicensed materials, including pornography.

But these boys do not just download the pornographic material for their own viewing.

One of them, Tim (not his real name), 19, a polytechnic student, said the boys would connect the media player with the videos to the school computer during free periods or lunch breaks, and watch on the bigger screen.

He said they had never been caught by teachers.

Growing trend

Mr Daniel Koh, 37, a psychologist in private practice, said it is an increasing trend that children now are more aware of their sexuality and sexual relationships.

‘With modern technology, it is easier for (teens) to seek out and take such information around with them,’ he noted. ‘Therefore, wherever there is interest for such information or visual gratification, such things would surface.’

Parents are concerned.

Housewife Koh Huang Yee, 47, said : ‘It’s important that there is adult supervision to stop them from indulging further.’

Some students do get caught.

Bobby, 19, who from a co-ed school, recalled that he and a classmate were caned for drawing pornographic pictures in class. He said his teacher had caught him drawing on his worksheets, but he claimed his classmate was the culprit.

Both ended up getting two strokes of the cane each.

Bobby said with a laugh: ‘Actually I was supposed to be given three strokes, but the cane broke.’

Mr Sim Joo Jin, spokesman of StAndrew’s Secondary School said the student might be caned in public or in the classroom, depending on the severity of the case.

He added that if a student is deemed to be hooked on pornography, the school would suggest to his parents to get help from a Family Service Centre.

‘This is because we recognise that the family offers the most important support structure to youths in need of guidance,’ he said.

A secondary school vice-principal, who declined to be named, said that though he has yet to come across such cases, there are measures in place to lessen the chances of them occurring.

He said : ‘Our teachers are punctual for their lessons, so with the packed schedule of the students, there would be less time for them to ‘explore’.’

Mr Effendy Ibrahim, 36, the consumer business lead (Asia South Region) for Symantec and a father of four boys, said relying on technology to control porn is not enough.

‘The best thing would be for parents to get involved – to impart the right values so children would carry on with them no matter where they are,’ he said.

Audrey Tan Ruiping and Han Su-ying, newsroom interns

Friday, June 5, 2009

naughty bits

after a rest, a reprieve and a some much needed rejuvenation: the new deference is back- summer two thousand and nine! i had too much work to do. i had other creative projects that don’t involve the internet. i didn’t have the internet (and boy did i like it)! and all that aside, what a better way of reminding you what this here illustrated amateur-outsider weblog is all about then an obscene gender bending self-portrait drawing:::
i never disappoint…
look for more comix, more games, more art, more posters and events and more zines! this summer at the new deference
keep emailing, you encourage me to keep posting::

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pr0n webmasters zijn heel aardig

Je hebt vast dittes wel gelezen op die ene nederlandse blog.Bla bla etische discussie etc etc.Niet goed etc etc.Nu zou je denken dat onze über 1337 webmasters dit heel erg vinden.Maar gellukig zijn ze blij met ‘een goed stukske free publicitie’.Onderling is de sweer fantastisch op zo kan je naast het naakte wijven gedoe ook gewoon genieten van leuke forum games als ‘wie heeft het langste domein‘.Wat is het toch een gezellige boel daar.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nailing Your Wife

I was watching 1000 Ways To Die on Spike, and stumbled across this “PG Porn: Nailing Your Wife” by James Gunn.

I’ll say no more, just make sure you’re not drinking anything as you watch this video because you’ll probably choke.

Technically speaking, there should be a flash player here.

But WordPress doesn’t allow Embed codes, so you’ll have to visit the site instead:

PG Porn: Nailing Your Wife.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pro-Choice Doctor Murdered in Church

Last Sunday morning, Dr. George Tiller was shot in the foyer of the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas. For many years, Dr. Tiller had been the subject of controversy for performing late-term abortions at his clinic, Women’s Health Care Services. In 1986, the clinic was bombed by pro-life protesters, and in 1993, Dr. Tiller was shot in both arms.

President Obama stated that he was “shocked and outraged” by the shooting, and added, “However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.”

I agree. No matter what religious or political views you have, bombings and killings are not solutions. They are sins, plain and simple. My prayers will be with the Tiller family and his church family.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome to My Life -n

Não ! Não saia do blog agora, as tags podem ser erradas, mas você está no blog certo .

Usei XXX, Sex, e pussy (risos) para atraírem tipos de pessoa como vocês, para observarem minha vida .

Tá, agora pode sair do blog .

Enfim pessoal, fiz esse blog pra amigos, mini-fans (*o*), colegas de classe, ou seja, todos que me conhecem, ou querem me conhecer.  Vou postar nesse blog tudo que eu puder colocar sobre minha vida pessoal,  coisas que eu achar interessante, botar a boca no trombone mesmo e comentar vários acontecidos .

Pensei assim, já que eu estou vivendo a melhor fase da minha vida mesmo, que se dane, vou fazer tudo que estiver ao meu alcançe .

Aguardem por posts, e apreciem, fiz uma conta no Flickr só para postar albuns pro blog .

Com amor, Nathanic

Friday, May 29, 2009



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Yura Aikawa pelada – japonesa gostosa » Jegue-BR – Seu guia de …Artigo publicado em domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2008 às 13:19 e arquivado em Japan Pop Show, mulher pelada. Comentários a este artigo podem ser verificados

outras sugestões

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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Ganar dinero compartiendo esta filial Erotico

The Courage to ASK... the right questions

This is the outline of this past weeks Sunday School lesson.

Matthew 21:22 NIV

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Luke 11:9 NIV

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Proverbs 30:7,8

7. “Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die:

8. Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.

Ecclesiastes 7:10

10. Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.


According to, ASK is found in the Bible 176 times.

• God asked Adam where he was

• Peter asked to come out on the water

• Abraham asked God to spare Sodom

• Jesus asked for the cup to pass

• Solomon asked for wisdom

• David asked God for direction before battle

Questions are all over the Bible

There are scores of questions in the Bible that simply didn’t use the word ‘ask’.

There are some questions that are easy to ask:

• Hey, can I sit with you?

• May I borrow $5?

• Will you excuse me while I go to the bathroom?

• How are you today?

A question is mean to be answered. Even rhetorical questions need answering.

• That can be the danger of questions.

• Sometimes we don’t ask questions because we don’t really want answers or we don’t know if we can handle them.

Hard questions:

• The square root of 5,423?

• How far is the sun from the moon?

• (Ask some Biblical questions)

How about these?

• Why don’t you feel completely fulfilled in life?

• Are you as happy as you know you should be?

• Why are you so depressed?

• Why are you angry?

• Why can’t you forgive?

• Why can’t you move on?

• Am I really good enough?

• Do they really love me?

• Is God REALLY out there?

These are tough questions.

Preachers and well meaning people have tried to sidestep some of these questions because they are afraid that you’ll find yourself unhappy with Christianity.

However, Christ came to give answers not leave you with doubts.

We’re going to discuss three different directions you need to aim your questions today.

These are not questions that I’m going to give you the answers to.

You have to do that.

Ask yourself.

The real questions.

Whenever someone decides to lose weight, the first thing most diet books tries to do is to work on the reader’s mind.

- The head’s got to get right first.

Where am I going?

• Did you know that you have a future?

God wants you to be successful.

We hear all these speeches given this time of the year to kids about making smart choices and planning for the best future possible. Adults need to hear that too.

Am I happy?

• What makes you happy?

o Is God even in the top ten?

Do you ever get excited thinking about God?

Does your relationship with God bring you joy?

• If none of your happiness comes from the Lord, there’s a chance you haven’t seen all that joy can be.

What is my purpose?

• Do you have a purpose?

• Did you know that we’re all a ‘gift-mix’ that we’ve gained through life and experience?

• There’s something that God needs you to do that no one else can do quite like you do.

• We’ve said before that hands down the bestselling book of our generation pertaining to religion is the book, “The purpose driven life.” People want to feel like there’s more out there.

Ask God.

• What do you want from me?

What’s wrong with asking God hard questions?

• Do we think He’s not strong enough or that we’re gonna hurt His feelings?

• Why am I so unhappy?

• Why did I have to go through that situation?

• Where were you? (the footprints poem)

• Why don’t I feel close to you like I use to?

What is God asking you?

1. In John, Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?”

• Feed my sheep – (work in my kingdom)

o God gave us everything we have. That’s all He asks for in return.

2. In the parable, the master asked the servant, “What did you do with the talents I gave you?”

• What is your answer? Either, “I invested it and got a return.” Or “I buried it so no one could find it.”

3. In Isaiah, God asked the question, “Who will go?”

• Are you willing to tell others what you have seen?

o Isaiah was from Israel. God wasn’t asking him to move away – he was being asked to share the news with those around him.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Blog problems

So I now have about 15 different blogs that I check on a fairly regular basis. This is Coorain’s fault because he seems to have an endless supply of blogs he follows and his taste is actually very good.

The problem with that is that every time I read a blog, I have to fight the impulse to go to the very earliest entry and read every single post from oldest to newest. For some reason the idea that once I finish with that, the only posts I won’t have read are future ones is extremely appealing. It’s a huge time suck.

So I’m sitting on my bed (by which I mean my bed at Rill’s house, which is COVERED with cat hair; like so much cat hair that if I were allergic I would be dead. As it is, I’m just really itchy). And reading Texts From Last Night backwards from page 60. And the problem is that the TFLN on page 60 are not funny. I guess that’s because it wasn’t well known then, so they didn’t get many entries. But it’s depressing. Here’s a not funny one:

(212): brb k???!! plz don’t leave i want 2 tlk bout r rltnshp

Why is that funny? Because of the weird text abbreviations? Also, they’re all from the same area codes: 810, 313, 586, 248, 734, 312. In order, those area codes are: Flint, Michigan; Detroit, Michigan; Flint, Michigan; Pontiac, Michigan; Ypsilanti, Michigan; Central Chicago, Illinois.

I guess TFLN started in Michigan. Except for that one Central Chicago person.

Anyway now I’m on page 53 and it’s getting steadily funnier. Which is good.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jon: The artificial lives of artists Duane Hanson and François Sagat ...

Though Duane Hanson and François Sagat couldn’t be more different in almost every way as artists (time period, medium, subject, and place in the art community), their work seems to have a similar question  at it’s root: what is the meaning of artifice in it’s relation to value? Both artists work plays with finding a solution to this question that, though at first seems to offer only whimsy, upon deeper viewing says more.

Duane Hanson (1925-96) rose to fame as a part of the mid 60’s pop art movement. His life-size wax sculptures were always studies of the non-celebrity, though throughout his working life the  dramatic nature of his subjects drastically changed. In his early career, Hanson’s sculptures mostly portrayed everyday people caught in the middle of adrenaline charged and often historically notable circumstances. These included tableauxs of race riots as well as the Vietnam war. As his work developed though, he began to exclusively create sculptures of everyday people doing everyday things (reading the paper, going grocery shopping, cleaning, etc). Of course, in the act of capturing these moments and putting them on display in a gallery, Hanson  imbues these normally unremarkable moments with a  sense of extreme importance.

At the same time, these wax sculptures also  appear to also be commenting on and deriving value via the only other comparable use of wax as an artistic medium: the modern day wax museums. It is impossible to view these sculptures and not immediately read “celebrity” into their characters. It is exactly this relationship to celebrity and artifice that gives these sculptures (and the images of them) power.  

(*It is hard to begin a discussion of François Sagat’s photography without first divulging that his most notable claim to fame so far has been his performance in numerous porn films. Interestingly, this knowledge both offers a deeper understanding of his work (as it largely comments on the human body and desire) while also initially prompting many viewers to dismiss his art as porn in and of it’s self. This is of course extremely reductive. There is a thin yet powerfully divisive line set by society between art and pornography. Most contemporary art lovers would agree that any evaluative system that immediately dismisses art simply for being sexually evocative is only damaging to the art community as a whole. Anyone who thinks otherwise is clearly to stupid to be allowed to make judgements about art in the first place*)

As a subject in his work, French multimedia artist François Sagat most commonly uses his own body. Through costume, lighting, and digital manipulation Sagat subtly tweaks his own image. Sagat has not chosen the easiest path for himself as a photographer. Artists have been creating similar work for decades, so it is easy to compare and judge his wrok agaist that of his forbearers. In addition to being part of a well established and hard to break into photographic tradition, Sagat also has to combat viewers first reading of his body.Resoundingly, this is to see it as model-ish/overtly sexual/fake. This is compounded by the fact that most viewers of his work are already aware of is career in the gay porn industry. These factors make it even more astounding that Sagat does seem to exceed on many levels.

In one of his newest series of images (pictured above) Sagat finds an ingenious and provocative way to not only debunk this preconceived reading of his photography, but to also use it as a tool to give the work a deeper meaning. In each of the photographs, we find Sagat staring away from the camera and into a full length mirror. The reflections we find staring back at him is anything but natural though. They  have been digitally altered so that his face and penis are erased from the image. In doing so François Sagat has taken away the exact things that has made him both desired and judged.

Sagat creates an artificial self image to displace the other artificial image of him that has been created by the spectator. Paradoxically, through making himself more visually generic he has also made himself more important.


Hanson and Sagat  make  strong arguments  towards the belief that all human value assignments in regards to individual worth hold there strength in artifice. If societal value can so easily be added or subtracted via the use of simple visual trickery, what makes that value worthwhile in the first place? This is both empowering and disheartening in that the art seems to say that at once we are all equal, but that that sameness holds no intrinsic worth.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

sexo com virgem

sexo com virgem Menina virgem de 22 anos quer fazer sexo com mulher Estudante de 22 anos, virgem, quer fazer sexo com uma outra mulher, uma

2.sexo com virgem – Tudo sobre sexo com virgem nos Blogs —

Conteúdo indexado e rotulado com a tag sexo com virgem no BlogBlogs – BlogBlogs … Afinal, o assunto sexo com virgem é difícil de entender ou não? …

3.G1 > Planeta Bizarro – NOTÍCIAS – Aos 105 anos, virgem mais velha do …

Aos 105 anos, a secretária aposentada Clara Meadmore se orgulha de ainda ter … Homem fica preso ao tentar fazer sexo com banco de metal …

mulher pelada com seios grandes e duros outras sugestões 

The sunny side of Sasha Grey

Sasha Grey, who has made her distrust of journalists well-known, looks much more comfortable and cheery in her Olivia Munn interview than she has in past live appearances. This could be because she’s more at ease the deeper she gets into promo for The Girlfriend Experience and the further she moves away from that horrible segment on the Tyra Banks show; it could also be because Munn’s show is lighthearted pop fare.

I’d go one further though and say Grey is probably put at ease by Munn herself, a kindred spirit of sorts who also has no problem marrying sex symbol status with a professional persona built around nerd knowledge (film theory for Grey, tech et. all for Munn). Both Munn and Grey have a sort of Zen about what they do and who they are and they’re not caught up in any of the anxieties that combination raises in viewership of either gender.

In Munn, Grey finally has an interviewer who isn’t trying to trap her (irresponsible), figure out if the hype around her intellect is warranted or not (problematic), and isn’t caught up in the whole “shocking!” porno thing (boring).

Case in point: I love Munn’s introduction where she flippantly refers to “the whole hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold cliche” when describing The Girlfriend Experience. That particular character archetype is symptomatic of a lot of our hang-ups when it comes to sex and gender roles, but it’s a hang-up Munn discards and Grey acknowledges but interrogates.

[Olivia Munn interviews Sasha Grey on G4TV]

(image via)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday Link Dump

Fart Intenstiy Detector Invented!! (Barstool Sports)

Michael Vick is out of Prison (Sports by Brooks)

2 Girls, 1 Sub….. (Us vs. Them)

Prenups made Easy!! (Manofest)

10 Funniest Workout Videos Ever (Liquid Generation)

7 Completely Unrealistic Movie Plots………That Came True (Cracked)

Top 10 Topless Actress Movie Scenes (Screen Junkies)

The Best of Lingerie Football (Next Round)

5 Crazy Products for the Vagina that we didn’t know existed (Bachelor Guy)

The Top 8 NBA Feuds (Blaze of Love)

Kim Kardashian Has Huge Boobs (Complex)

Wearing Panties to Work os Totally Overrated (Asredas)

Popstar or Pornstar? You make the Call……… (Liquid Generation)

How to hide Your Girlfriend’s Dog That You just Killed (Holy Taco)

Michael Strahan is Going to be in a TV Sitcom. Why??? (Awful Announcing)

The 16 Coolest Movie Monsters (Gunaxin)

The Missing Link Found (Uncoached)

Hotties in the Wild (Double Viking)

The Slumdog Price is Right. Hilarious… (College Humor)


Monday, May 18, 2009

"Chinese sex park unlawfully demolished"...

Love Land - China, before the demolition

“Chinese sex park unlawfully demolished”…

said the Minister for Fucking and Stuff.

Ministry of Fucking and Stuff: Official Statement

“Gentlemen…we can rebuild it. We have the technology.

We have the capability to build the world’s first Temple of Doom sex park.

Temple of Love-Land will be that sex park. Better than it was before




That is All”.

Claudia Valentine Exclusively With L.A. Direct Models

Now an L.A. Direct Model’s exclusive, Claudia Valentine lives up to the title of “Glamour Girl Gone Hardcore” by opening up her sex scene availabilities to include anal sex performances.

(Hollywood, CA) Claudia Valentine ( has been hitting her stride as an exciting XXX performer! Fresh off her participation in the Skylar Neil Charity golf tournament and recent red carpet endeavors, Valentine continues to establish herself as prominent adult star. Always consistent in delivering exciting sex scenes, the beautiful brunette excels pushing her body to its limits with every one of her intoxicating performances. Today Claudia makes two exciting announcements; the first being that Valentine has now signed with L.A. Direct Models for exclusive representation. Effective immediately anyone wanting to book Valentine should contact L.A. Direct Models via their website, or by phone (323) 850-5888.

“L.A. Direct’s outstanding reputation and professionalism is what attracted me to them,” said Valentine. “I’m excited to have them representing me and believe it to be a prosperous move.”

Valentine’s second major announcement is that the dynamic star is now making herself available for anal performances. Never before has Claudia performed anal sex on film, now for the right project the stunning beauty is willing to go all the way.

“I like anal sex, I do it in my personal life,” Claudia noted. “It’s an exhilarating feeling and I enjoy it. It just took awhile for me to be comfortable with doing it on film. Now that I am, I can’t wait to show off that intense side of me.”

Claudia will talk about is ready to talk about  anal sex and more as she appears on the Sports Swami’s “Last Call” Internet radio show this Friday. May 15th, will air a special episode of “Last Call” that will feature Claudia discussing her upcoming website, her part in the filming of the movie Bruno and much more. Last Call airs 1 p.m. ET/ 10 a.m. PT.

Now an L.A. Direct Model’s exclusive, the ultra-sexy Claudia Valentine is ready to go more hardcore than ever before! Who will be the company delivering Claudia’s first on screen anal experience? Stay tuned.

For More Claudia Valentine, please visit and

To interview Claudia Valentine for your Website or Publication,

please contact Alexander (Monstar) Raymond


Claudia Valentine is Represented by:

L.A. Direct Models

(323) 850-5888

A press release by

Saturday, May 16, 2009

You're watching: Japanese porn.

Genitals censored by way of mosaic.

If you’re a regular purveyor of porn, you probably notice that disproportionate amount of Japanese porn is censored.  Vaginae and penises are transformed into blocky asymmetrical shapes, which the human mind is supposed to differentiate.  Which is one of the reasons why I can’t get into Japanese porn as much as I used to.  You can never tell which mosaic’d blob is the vagina and which is the penis, unless you zoom out and enhance the movie frame by frame in your head a la CSI (any of them).

You may wonder why Japanese porn is censored.  There is a valid reason having to deal with the Meiji Era and the phrase “injurious to public morals”; details I really won’t get into because this time is for healing and not blaming.  Below is an example of porn if I got to choose the method of censoring, as if Gozer asked Ray Stantz himself, I would choose domesticated animals.  You can find a lot of pictures of them online to use in different censored situations.  Also, it can add a cuteness to an already kawaii scene with an equally cute female lead.